Appendix No. 1 Scenarios of accommodation in dormitories and other CTU facilities


This document lays down the procedure for obtaining accommodation and the conditions for assigning accommodation at dormitories managed by the Service Facilities Administration of the Czech Technical University in Prague (hereinafter referred to as “SFA CTU”).

I. Accommodation at dormitories is assigned according to the following priorities:

  1. accommodation places are first assigned to CTU students and CTU graduates (with a diploma not older than 5 years), who already have accommodation at our dormitories and who make a reservation (see point III below) for the next year;
  2. accommodation places are subsequently assigned to CTU students and CTU applicants (hereinafter referred to as “applicant”) who submit an accommodation application (see point IV below);
  3. if, after occupying places in line with the preceding points, places are still available, such accommodation places are provided to the students of other universities or education facilities or study programmes in accordance with other regulations in place at the SFA CTU who already have accommodation at the halls of residence and who submit an application for a further academic year (see point IV below);
  4. if, after occupying places in line with the preceding points, places are still available, such accommodation places are provided to the students of other universities or education facilities or study programmes in accordance with other regulations in place at the SFA CTU who do not have accommodation at the halls of residence and who submit an application for accommodation (see point IV below);
  5. an additional criterion in assigning accommodation places for the 2023/2024 year will be travel time, based on distance to the accommodation applicant’s permanent residence.

II. Accommodation applicants can choose from the range of accommodation places available at dormitories managed by the SFA CTU in Prague:

  1. Strahov Dormitory, located in Prague 6 – Břevnov, this dormitory can be reached from the CTU campus in Dejvice in approx. 15 min. via public transport;
  2. Podolí Dormitory, located in Prague 4 – Podolí, can be reached from the CTU campus in Dejvice in approx. 30 min. via public transport;
  3. Masarykova Dormitory, located in Prague 6 – Dejvice, this dormitory is located directly on the CTU campus in Dejvice;
  4. Sinkule Dormitory, located in Prague 6 – Dejvice, this dormitory is located directly on the CTU campus in Dejvice;
  5. Dejvická Dormitory, located in Prague 6 – Dejvice, this dormitory is located directly on the CTU campus in Dejvice;
  6. Orlík Dormitory, located in Prague 6 – Dejvice, this dormitory can be reached from the CTU campus in Dejvice in approx. 10 min. on foot;
  7. Hlávkova Dormitory, located in Prague 2 – New Town, this dormitory can be reached from the CTU campus in Dejvice in approx. 20 min. via public transport;
  8. Bubeneč Dormitory, located in Prague 6 – Dejvice, can be reached from the CTU campus in Dejvice in approx. 10 min. on foot, (for meeting the condition of completion of reconstruction;

(for more information on dormitories see

III. Reservation of accommodtion in the dormitory for the next academic year

If interested in accommodation for a further academic year, students and graduates of the CTU (in the latter case, assuming that not more than 5 years have passed since completion of their studies) who are already living at the dormitory according to an Agreement of Accommodation submit a RESERVATION for accommodation for next academic year.

  1. A reservation for accommodation is submitted via the ISKAM4 electronic accommodation system, over severalstages, with achoice of accommodation places.
    • At stage 1, accommodated are able to reserve their existing accommodation place (“own bed”), if within the system of year-round or long-term accommodation (Agreement of Accommodation to 2. 9. 2024 or to 31. 8. 2025);
    • At stage 2, accommodated are able to reserve a different accommodation place (“available bed”), if within the system of year-round or long-term accommodation;
    • At stage 3, accommodated are able to reserve their existing accommodation place (“own bed”), if within the system of accommodation to the end of the summer semester (Agreement of Accommodation to 28. 6. 2024);
    • At stage 4, accommodated are able to reserve a different accommodation place (“ available bed”) within the system of accommodation to the end of the summer semester (for terms see Schedule of Accommodation and ISKAM4);
  2. further information regarding accommodation reservation is available at the SFA CTU website (;
  3. the interested of accommodation can make accommodation reservations for the 2023/24 academic year in the period from 9. 5. 2023 to 20. 6. 2023 inclusive;
  4. CTU graduates should make a reservation with their dormitory’s economic manager (in order to accept your reservation, you need to supply a copy of your CTU diploma no older than 5 years, which you can send by e-mail);
  5. couples should reserve shared accommodation with their dormitory’s economic manager; if the accommodation capacity of the accommodation provider allows, a reservation for a partner who is not a student of CTU can also be made possible during the reservation period by agreement with the manager of the relevant dormitory;
  6. an accommodated CTU student can apply for an extension to their accommodation agreement with their dormitory’s economic manager. For other students and accommodated persons, this extension is only possible within the current academic year;
  7. if you have a justified reason for not being present at your dormitory during the accommodation reservation period (illness, placement abroad, etc.), students can apply for accommodation reservation by e-mail: ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz;
  8. the SFA CTU allocates an accommodation place on the basis of the reservation submitted. The person interested receives the decision via ISKAM4, by SMS, or by e-mail. The allocation of accommodation is conditional on a check of the person interested in accommodation having paid the reservation deposit (the interested party should already have paid the reservation deposit as an accommodated). A check is made of payment of the reservation deposit on 26. 6. 2023 (if the reservation deposit is paid in ISKAM4, the full reservation deposit of CZK 3,500 must be in the account in ISKAM4 by that date); payment may be made by supplementing the level of the financial account in ISKAM4, to at least the specified amount, of by way of the payment outlined in point V, letter f. of this document; if reservation is not confirmed by paying the reservation deposit in full and within the set time, the reservation will be cancelled
  9. after payment of the reservation deposit, or increasing the amount in the ISKAM4 account by the sum corresponding to the reservation deposit this deposited/increased sum in the ISKAM4 account will remain where it is even during any subsequent temporary deregistration (departure) of the accommodated person from the dormitory (e.g. during the summer holiday period), i.e. this reservation deposit will remain on the deposit account in ISKAM4 from the moment accommodation reservation is confirmed until accommodation begins; should the accommodated person request the return of the reservation deposit, the reservation deposit shall be returned, but the accommodation place reservation shall be cancelled;
  10. if the accommodated person does not submit their reservation in time, they must submit a new accommodation application at the dormitory, see point IV;
  11. making a reservation does not constitute entitlement to accommodation. Entitlement to accommodation only occurs based on the decision of SFA CTU on accommodation assignment when the condition of submitting the reservation deposit is met.

IV. Application for dormitory accommodation

New applicants for accommodation in the dormitories, including applicants and new applicants for accommodation from the ranks of CTU students and already accommodated who are not CTU students, submit an APPLICATION for accommodation if interested. The SFA CTU will comply with the application for accommodation of CTU applicants and students, if this is not excluded by special reasons given by internal regulations, e.g. if the applicant is not listed on the so-called blacklist (see below); in the case of applicants from students of other universities, educational institutions or in the case of non-studying applicants and other persons, the applications are evaluated in accordance with the priorities according to article I. above and in accordance with the internal regulations and procedures of the SFA CTU.

  1. Applications for dormitory accommodation assignment are submitted via the ISKAM4 electronic information system;
  2. CTU students log in to ISKAM4 using their login details, which are identical to the details for logging in to or by using their study application number and password, which they set up when submitting their application on the CTU website; accommodation applicants who are not CTU students must register within ISKAM4 first before submitting the application (for procedure, see;
  3. you can apply for accommodation at CTU dormitories any time during the year;
  4. one aspect of submitting an application for accommodation is payment of a non-refundable fee for the submission and processing of an application for accommodation of CZK 300. This fee is paid into the main account in ISKAM4, or by making a payment as described in point V, letter f) of this document. the applicant will receive information on how to pay the fee by e-mail after submitting the application;
  5. the applicant may specify in their application for accommodation the dormitory which they would prefer, and a substitute dormitory. When allocating accommodation places at dormitory, the criterion specified in point I, letter d) of these terms and conditions (the possibility of moving between dormitories, see General Terms of Accommodation) will be taken into consideration for the year 2023/2024;
  6. the applicant may submit only one application; if submitting multiple applications, the applications of other persons interested in accommodation will be dealt with first;
  7. applications for accommodation submitted from 2. 1. 2023 to 17. 7. 2023 will be evaluated altogether on 19. 7. 2023. Applicants receive information about the evaluation of applications after 19. 7. 2023 via ISKAM4, by SMS, or by e-mail. Applications for accommodation submitted after 17. 7. 2023 will be evaluated one after the other depending on the order in which they are submitted, generally within 7 work days;
  8. the SFA CTU decides whether to allocate an accommodation place according to the application submitted. The applicant for accommodation thereafter confirms their interest in accommodation by paying a refundable reservation deposit, which is set at CZK 3,500. Payment may be made by topping up the level of the financial account in ISKAM4 to at least the level of the reservation deposit, or by making a payment according to point V, letter f) of this document (information about the deadline and method of payment of the reservation deposit may also be sent to applicants together with the decision on the allocation of an accommodation place). The deadline for payment of the reservation deposit for applicants who submit an application by 17. 7. 2023 is set at 26. 7. 2023. Applicants who submit an application at a later time will receive information about the deadline for payment of the reservation deposit by SMS or by e-mail. For the terms and conditions of refunding the reservation deposit see point VI.;
  9. should an applicant fail to pay the reservation deposit (in full, on time), their application will be cancelled. An applicant may submit a repeat application, in line with the procedure specified above. A repeat application for accommodation is dealt with after dealing with all applications for accommodation submitted by all applicants applying for accommodation for the first time submitted before submission of the repeat application;
  10. the SFA CTU may in special cases accept an application for accommodation submitted by a student of the CTU who has serious medical, social, or other issues, whereby the student must also substantiate and communicate such issues in writing to ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz by the date of submitting the application for accommodation via ISKAM4;
  11. accommodation applicants with special needs according to the classification at should submit their application using the procedure in point IV a), and should also submit a written application by e-mail at ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz, in which they should specify their needs and prove their limitations with a recognised document, see; each application submitted in this way will be dealt with individually by SFA CTU considering suitable free accommodation capacity;
  12. should an person representative of Students’ Union of CTU request accommodation for a particular person or single-use accommodation for a particular person, the SFA CTU may accept the application and accommodate that particular person or, as the case may be, allocate single-use accommodation, whereby a person falling within this category must have submitted an application for accommodation in ISKAM4 (or have made a reservation, see point III) and, at the same time, the CTU Students’ Union must apply for an exception by sending an e-mail to ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz; the number of such applications is limited to 100 accommodation places at the dormitories of the SFA CTU;
  13. dormitory accommodation applications submitted by applicants who have previously breached their accommodation agreement and were subsequently excluded from dormitory accommodation on this basis and/or are on the so-called blacklist, their application be denied;
  14. accommodation applications with incorrect or incomplete data, and multiple applications (a number of applications from one person submitted at the same time) will be removed from our register;
  15. submitting an application does not constitute entitlement to accommodation. Entitlement to accommodation only occurs based on the decision of SFA CTU on accommodation assignment and payment of the reservation deposit.

V. Arrival at dormitory accommodation

The dormitory accommodation begins when you arrive at the accommodation, and this should take place at the accommodation office for the dormitory assigned to you on the basis of a SFA CTU decision on assigning an accommodation place, and following entitlement to accommodation. In the 2023/2024 academic year, the standard period for arriving at dormitories is between 4. 9. 2023 and 15. 9. 2023 inclusive.

  1. Documents needed to be submitted when check-in for dormitory accommodation:
    • Czech citizens should submit their national ID card or passport;
    • Persons who are not Czech citizens should submit either their passport or residence permit, and should also submit a personally filled in and signed registration document for the needs of the Czech Foreign (see;
    • persons not studying at CTU provide 1 x ID photo for the purposes of issuing an accommodation card (the so-called kolejenka);
    • for persons under 18 years of age, a Declaration of Honour (sworn statement) of the legal guardian consenting to accommodation (the following form can be used for this:, and the legal guardian’s signature must be officially verified (by a notary, at a Czech POINT, etc.)
    • confirmation of university studies (no older than 14 calendar days), CTU students can demonstrate this through a record in ISKAM4; the confirmation of studies may be submitted later, see below in point b.;
  2. CTU students have their details automatically uploaded to ISKAM4: in this case, confirmation of studies is not submitted; If the data is not uploaded in ISKAM4 for any reason, the student should show a valid CTU ID card or a current issued confirmation of study (no older than 14 days); If the student (including at a different public university) does not show that they are currently studying when arriving for accommodation, they need to show confirmation of studies by no later than 25. 9. 2023, and from the date of arrival for accommodation they will be charged the dormitory fee (price for students); you can also send confirmation of studies by e-mail to the dormitory economic manager directly, in which case an e-confirmation with the school’s electronic signature or a scan of your original confirmation of studies is sufficient.; if the accommodatet does not submit a confirmation of studies by 25 September 2023 at the latest, i.e. does not present it in person or send it by e-mail to the dormitory manager of the relevant dormitory, he will be retroactively charged the price for the accommodation (price for non-students), starting from the day of starting the accommodation until the end of September, respectively he will be billed the amount representing the difference, and the accommodated person will be obliged to pay this amount by 26. 9. 2023 (see point e) of this section). From 1. 10. 2023, the pays the price according to the Price List of Accommodation until the date of substantiating confirmation of studies. The same procedure shall be followed in the summer semester, in that the student submits confirmation of studies by e-mail or to the manager of dormitory not later than on 29. 2. 2024; otherwise, they shall be charged the price for non-students according to the Price |ist of Accommodation from 1. 3. 2024.
  3. CTU graduates may remain accommodated at SFA CTU dormitories for a period of 5 years following completion of studies at a reduced price (Price List of Accommodation -10%), and in this case they should submit a copy of their CTU diploma (this can also be sent by e-mail); a diploma copy should be submitted/e-mailed by no later than 25. 9. 2023; if the graduate does not submit a copy of their CTU diploma or e-mail it to their dormitory economic manager by 25. 9. 2023, they will be retroactively charged an accommodation price such that they should pay the full accommodation price without the 10% reduction (see Price List of Accommodation) from the date of arrival for accommodation until 30. 9. 2023 (payment must be made by 26. 9. 2023 see point e) of this section). From 1. 10. 2023, the graduate shall pay the price according to the Price List of Accommodation price until they submit a copy of their CTU diplom;
  4. when taking up their accommodation at the dormitory, the accommodated enters into an Agreement of Accommodation with the SFA CTU, whereby the General Terms of Accommodation are an annex to that agreement and also enters into an Amendment to the Agreement of Accommodation to concern the insurance of property taken into the accommodation; the premium is paid together with the first payment for accommodation in the tariff amount (CZK 240 or CZK 310 per annum according to the choice of premium; see Pricelis of refunds, fees, lump sum payments, penalties, and other sservices) and is valid for the entire academic year, whereby the premium is non-refundable (even in the case that the resident deregisters themself from dormitory). At the same time, the accommodated is bound by these Procedures and Rules. When taking up accommodation at the dormiroy, the accommodated must have the reservation deposit of CZK 3,500 in the account in ISKAM4. The accommodated is under obligation to pay the difference between the reservation deposit and 30 times the daily rate for accommodation on top of the reservation deposit not later than 26. 9. 2023, thereby establishing the accommodation deposit. The accommodation deposit covers the accommodation of the resident in question for a period of one month before the accommodation has been paid for by the accommodated. From October 2023, payment for accommodation is due by the 15th of the relevant month;
  5. When taking up the accommodation, the accommodated receives information about the price of accommodation for the month of September and the size of other fees. The accommodated is under obligation to pay the price of accommodation according to the valid tariff, the premium, electricity, the accommodation deposit, and other set fees not later than 26. 9. 2023, in the manner described the next paragraph. An exception applies to direct debit payments;
  6. payments of the dormitory price, full accommodation price, reduced accommodation price for graduates, other fees, lump sum payments, insurance premiums and monetary deposits, etc., can be made by setting up direct debit payments from your cash account in ISKAM4, or by cashless transaction using on-line the GoPay payment gateway in ISKAM4, cashless transfer to SFA CTU’s bank account at: Acc. No.: 27-4082130287/0100,
    reception, Masarykova Dormitory – reception, Podolí Dormitory – accommodation office); Direct debit may be used to make payments beginning the month of October. Direct debit may not be used to make payments in September;
  7. for all payments for the 2023/24 academic year see;
  8. in the event that an applicant for accommodation who has been allocated an accommodation place and has the right to accommodation is unable to take up the accommodation within the due term, they should apply for deferral of taking up their place in the halls of residence in writing by sending an e-mail to ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz in accordance with the Accommodation Schedule. The accommodated takes up their accommodation on a subsequent date which is arranged on an individual basis, in which case accommodation will be billed to 15. 9. 2023, and the price of accommodation set. If the right to accommodation is established at a time later than the date on which the regular taking-up of accommodation commences, the date of taking up accommodation is communicated by e-mail when processing the application by the department of accommodation at the SFA CTU. Students with year-round accommodation in the same place of accommodation as in the preceding year are under obligation to sign an Agreement of Accommodation and the other documents required to take up their accommodation subject to agreement with the manager of the relevant dormitory until 1. 9. 2023, whereby accommodation for the next year commences on 4. 9. 2023;
  9. if a accommodated is interested in “single-use accommodation”, namely on their own in a twin room (the so-called single-use), they apply for this with the economic manager of the relevant dormitory from 10.10.2023; see also Accommodation Schedule. The accommodated application is satisfied after all applications for accommodation have been satisfied with regard to the available capacity in twin rooms at the CTU dormitories, whereby the price for single use is raised by 70 %;
  10. the SFA CTU may in exceptional and justified cases decide to change an accommodation place before the applicant for accommodation takes up their accommodation at the dormitories;
  11. the accommodated person’s rights and obligations are laid down in the General Terms of Accommodation, or else in the dormitory’s House Rules.

VI. Cancelling an application and reservation for an accommodation applicant, return of reservation deposit

  1. applicant should always submit an application to cancel a reservation or accommodation application in writing by e-mail at ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz;
  2. if a person who is accommodated in the dormitories makes a reservation and has a reservation deposit, does not enter the accommodation and notifies in writing of the cancellation of boarding the dormitory by the date of the results of the allocation of accommodation in the dormitory (including) see the Accommodation Schedule, his/her reservation will be canceled and he is entitled for a full refund of the reservation deposit;
  3. if the accommodated person in the dormitories, makes a reservation and has a reservation deposit applies to cancel an accommodation application after the results of dormitory accommodation assignment are made and before the final day of standard arrival at dormitories (inclusive), their assigned dormitory accommodation will be cancelled, and they shall be entitled to the return of their monetary deposit after subtracting the cancellation fee detailed in the Pricelist of refunds, fees, lump sum payments, penalties and other services, see 500 CZK);
  4. if the applicant who has been assigned dormitory accommodation on the basis of an application for dormitory accommodation has already paid the reservation deposit and applies in writing to cancel the assigned dormitory accommodation by the last day of standard arrivals (inclusive), their assigned dormitory accommodation will be cancelled, and they will be returned their reservation deposit after subtracting the cancellation fee, see (i.e. 500 CZK);
  5. if an applicant does not arrive at the standard time for arrival at their dormitory within giving their reasons in writing, their reservation deposit shall be forfeited in full to SFA CTU;
  6. if an applicant finds out about an assigned dormitory accommodation after standard arrival (by e-mail or SMS text message) and they have already paid the reservation deposit and they also cancel the accommodation in writing by the date of announced arrival inclusive, their reservation deposit shall be returned to them to the full amount;
  7. should the applicant end or interrupt their studies or leave on a study visit abroad and apply for the cancellation of their reservation or application for accommodation, with provision of confirmation of ending or interrupting studies or confirmation of studies abroad, the reservation deposit is returned to them in full. If a student of the CTU having information about ending or interrupting studies in ISKAM4, no confirmation is required;
  8. if an applicant is unable to arrive at the dormitory for exceptional reasons, they should always make a written request as such by e-mailing ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz to cancel their reservation or accommodation application and have their reservation deposit returned. This request must include specific justification and proof. SFA CTU shall make decisions on awarding exceptions;
  9. a student who is going on a foreign study internship during the course of the academic year can reserve accommodation in their room for the date of their return (in the same academic year) from the foreign placement if they do so at the latest 14 calendar days prior to their departure. The student should reserve their dormitory accommodation in this case at ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz and submit confirmation of foreign study internship; the student confirm their accommodation reservation by leaving their reservation deposit with the accommodation provider;
  10. if a student on a foreign internship has a confirmed accommodation reservation and they do not wish to stay in the dormitory, they can cancel the accommodation reservation in writing (by e-mail) by 30 calendar days prior to their planned arrival at the dormitory at the latest. In this case, their reservation will be cancelled and their reservation deposit will be returned to them to the full amount. If the student cancels the accommodation reservation in writing (by e-mail) less than 30 days prior to the planned dormitory arrival, their reservation deposit shall be returned to them with the cancellation fee to the level given in the Pricelist of refunds, fees, lump sum payments, penalties and other services subtracted from it, see (i.e. 500 CZK). If the student on a placement does not arrive at the planned time to their dormitory without giving reasons in writing, the reservation deposit shall be forfeited to SFA CTU.
  11. when submitting an application, applicants acknowledge and agree that they are not entitled to any interest on the paid reservation deposit or on any other sums paid into the account of the accommodation provider. All and any interest accrued on the reservation deposit or on other paid sums pertains to the accommodation provider.

VII. Accommodation for internships and exchange stays

  1. Students arriving on an internship or as part of a study exchange stay are divided into categories in regard to accommodation assignment: (i) CTU students, and (ii) students of other universities or schools/study programmes. There is a specific method set for logging into ISKAM4 for students on internships and exchange stays;
  2. applications for dormitory accommodation are submitted according to the method detailed in point IV. Applicants register for the Erasmus + waiting list, and other categories (summer/winter semester, etc.);
  3. information for those wishing to apply for accommodation for internships and study exchange stays is available from ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz.

VIII. Accommodation during the exam period and during holidays

  1. During the course of the exam period and summer holidays, CTU students will be provided with accommodation for a period of 2 nights in order to take each exam;
  2. dormitory accommodation will be provided at the dormitory price (for students), students do not need to show proof of taking an exam;
  3. ccommodation will be provided at the dormitory where the student has been accommodated in the current academic year, and if this is not possible for operational reasons, then SFA CTU will provide accommodation at a different dormitory;
  4. dormitory accommodation must be booked by e-mail at least 2 working days in advance with the economic manager of the relevant dormitory; for e-mail contact details to each dormitory see;
  5. should a student wish to stay at the dormitory during the summer holidays, they must additionally reserve summer-holiday accommodation within the deadline set out in the Accommodation Schedule. The accommodation provider sets aside the required capacity for this type of accommodation with regard to the economic use of the dormitories during the summer months. Accommodation for a duration of shorter than 30 days is possible during the summer holidays. The minimum length of student accommodation during the summer holidays is 10 consecutive calendar days. Accommodation of shorter than 30 days may only be provided as single-use accommodation, or with a roommate with a comparable length of accommodation. In this case, accommodation is arranged with the economic manager of the dormitory, as the case may be in an e-mail sent to ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz;
  6. if the student does not have a follow-up reservation for the following academic year, his holiday accommodation will be terminated 7 days before the proper start date for the dormitory, the same also applies to year-round and long-term agreements;
  7. for those accommodated who have reserved another accommodation place within the CTU dormitories for the following AY, moving takes place during the summer holidays according to the procedure see General Terms of Accommodation, Article V, paragraph 7.

IX. Basic information on dormitory price/fully accommodation price and length of accommodation agreements

  1. For all information regarding prices of accommodation, including the groups of people which different prices apply to, see:
  2. For the 2023/24 academic year, the standard length of accommodation, i.e. period of validity of accommodation agreements is set thus:
  • accommodation to the end of the exam period in the summer semester – 4. 9. 2023 – 28. 6. 2024;
  • year-round accommodation, i.e. to the end of the summer holidays – 4. 9. 2023 – 2. 9. 2024
  • long-term accommodation for a fixed period – 4. 9. 2023 – 31. 8. 2025.

X. Other informatione

  1. For other documents, such as the General Terms of Accommodation, House Rules, etc., see;
  2. for current accommodation dates, see the Accommodation Schedule for 2023/24;
  3. Dormitory Price List (for students) and Price List of Accommodation (for non-university students), List of payments and Price lists of losses and damages, which regulate fees, services, amount of compensation for damages and other payments, etc. see price lists;
  4. latest information on accommodation is available on the SFA CTU website, see link;
  5. answers to most frequently asked questions related to accommodation are available on the SFA CTU website, see link;
  6. important e-mail addresses: address for communicating with SFA CTU accommodation division is ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz, address for ISKAM4 information system support is iskam [at] suz [dot] cvut [dot] cz;
  7. current opening hours for SFA CTU accommodation division and economic managers of individual dormitories are available on the SFA CTU website, see link;
  8. opening hours for cash desks at SFA CTU are available on the SFA CTU website, see link

XI. Glossary of term

Where terms in this document are given in the singular, the same applies to the plural and vice versa, and where in this document the masculine gender is given, the same applies to the feminine and neuter and vice versa.

Solemn declaration for minors
A document which makes it possible for a minor student to be accommodated at the dormitories, if allocated accommodation at the dormitories. The document must be certified by a notary, or must be furnished with authenticated signatures - see CzechPOINT in the Czech Republic - whereby at least one of the student’s legal representatives (guardians) must have signed and been authenticated. Students from abroad may have the document in question authenticated at the Czech embassy in the country from which the student comes.
E-mail in ISKAM4
The e-mail address which the student submits in ISKAM4, to which the accommodation provider sends information to the student regarding their accommodation and through which the student is under obligation to communicate with the accommodation provider.
Direct debit
A method of paying for accommodation services and the fees associated with them. The accommodated sets up direct debit at their Czech bank and may not forget to choose such a limit as covers all services charged against their account at the dormitories.
Reservation deposit
The sum of CZK 3,500. By paying this into the account in ISKAM4, the student (client) confirms the accommodation dormitories having been allocated or a reservation at dormitories in accordance with accommodation documents. It is also used as a penalty equalling the size of the reservation deposit in accordance with this document and the General Terms of Accommodation.
Accommodation deposit
Financially “covers” the student’s (client’s) accommodation for the entire duration of staying at dormitories. Money is deducted from this in the case of failure to pay for accommodation at dormitories within the set deadline. The accommodation deposit is 30 times the daily rate for accommodation according to the valid tariff. The minimum amount is CZK 3,500. If the student (client) has the reservation deposit paid into the account in ISKAM4, they only pay the difference between the reservation deposit and 30 times the price of accommodation.
Reservation of accommodation
The accommodated who is living at the dormitories by the deadline for the reservation of accommodation and who has the right to make a reservation of accommodation. The reservation is made for a specific dormitory and room. Accommodation is reserved in accordance with accommodation documents for the next academic year or for the summer holidays.
Single-use accommodation
One person accommodated in a twin room, in that the resident pays 1.7 times the price for accommodation in a single bed.
Single accommodation
Single room within the CTU dormitories.
Student of the CTU
A student of the 1st year after enrolling at the CTU and students of other years of the CTU.
A client (for example, a student) who has entered into an Agreement of Accommodation with the accommodation provider.
Accommodation provider
SFA CTU in Prague.
An Applicant
An applicant to study at CTU is a person who has submitted an application to study at CTU, who is included in the admissions process, i.e. the application is paid, this person has his application code and his password, which he set for his electronic application in the application.This password is also valid for logging into the ISKAM4 accommodation system for submitting an accommodation application.
Application for accommodation
An application for accommodation submitted by an applicant for accommodation who does not live at the dormitory or who has not made a reservation. An application for accommodation is submitted in the ISKAM4 accommodation system and is subject to a fee according to the List of Payments. Accommodation is only allocated for an application for accommodation which has been paid.
List of persons previously living in CTU dormitories, for whom further accommodation in the dormitories is excluded by the decision of the SFA CTU management, usually due to repeated non-compliance with accommodation conditions.


doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Petráček, CSc., Rector, CTU in Prague, m.p.

Bc. Michal Vodička, Director, SFA CTU in Prague, m.p.